Journal Basic Info
- Impact Factor: 1.989**
- H-Index: 6
- ISSN: 2637-4625
- DOI: 10.25107/2637-4625
Major Scope
- General Surgery
- Urological Surgery
- Bariatric Surgery
- Breast Surgery
- Orthopaedic Surgery
- Ophthalmology & Eye Surgery
- Laparoscopic Surgery
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
Citation: World J Surg Surg Res. 2023;6(1):1447.DOI: 10.25107/2637-4625.1447
Is there any Lesson that the World Must Take from India to Manage an Epidemic?
Meera S
IMPCOPS, Chennai, India
Sreehareeyam Ayurveda, Chennai, India
Ayurveda Tele-doctor Anand Hospital -COVID ICU, Meerut, India
*Correspondance to: Meera Sudheer
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Cite the Article:
Meera S. Is there any Lesson that the World Must Take from India to Manage an Epidemic?. World J Surg Surgical Res. 2023; 6: 1447..